Getting Started With Beacons
Beacon resources and tools for OSX, iOS and Android.
Software Versions
$ date -u "+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S +0000"
2016-05-25 01:53:29 +0000
$ uname -vm
Darwin Kernel Version 15.5.0: Tue Apr 19 18:36:36 PDT 2016; root:xnu-3248.50.21~8/RELEASE_X86_64 x86_64
$ ex -s +'%s/<[^>].\{-}>//ge' +'%s/\s\+//e' +'%norm J' +'g/^$/d' +%p +q! /System/Library/CoreServices/SystemVersion.plist | grep -E 'ProductName|ProductVersion' | sed 's/^[^ ]* //g' | sed 'N; s/\n/ /g'
Mac OS X 10.11.5
Apple’s iBeacon for Developers page gives a good technical overview of beacons. The Getting Started with iBeacon PDF is especially useful.
An Apple computer with a Bluetooth 4.0 Low Engergy (BLE) radio running OSX Yosemite or later can send and receive iBeacons.
MactsAsBeacon allows OSX to transmit beacons.
git clone
cd MactsAsBeacon/
cp -R /Applications/
open -a MactsAsBeacon
Beacon Scanner can be used to detect beacons on OSX.
cp -R "Beacon" /Applications/
open -a "Beacon Scanner"
The Locate Beacon app for iOS and Android can be used to locate beacons. It can also be used to transmit beacon information. Note that only Android 4.3+ devices with BluetoothLE can detect iBeacons. Android 5.0+ and BluetoothLE is required to transmit iBeacons.
iBeacon support is part of the Core Location Framework on iOS and OSX. AltBeacon can be used to add beacon support to Android apps. A Unity 3D iBeacon Asset, and a Cordova iBeacon Plugin exist.
A Raspberry Pi (or other Linux box) with a Bluetooth LE dongle can act as a beacon.
- Article, Beacons in 2016: What to Expect from iBeacon, Eddystone and more
- Article, The Realities of Installing iBeacon to Scale
- Apple, iBeacon for Developers
- Apple, Getting Started with iBeacon
- Apple, Maps for Developers
- Android, AltBeacon
- Android, Locate Beacon App
- Android, Beacon Layouts
- Android, Can an Android device act as an iBeacon?
- iOS, Core Location Framework
- iOS, Locate Beacon App
- Unity 3D, iBeacon Asset
- Cordova, iBeacon Plugin
- OSX, Beacon Scanner
- OSX, MactsAsBeacon
- OSX, Turn Macbook into iBeacon
- RaspberryPi, piBeacon - DIY Beacon with a Raspberry Pi
- Quora, How much do iBeacons cost?
- Wikipedia, iBeacons